Bacon & Chocolate “Roses”

Bacon & Chocolate “Roses”

Whether you’re looking for a way to make Valentine’s Day a little sweeter, or just want to try a deliciously creative recipe, we know you’ll love these Bacon & Chocolate “Roses!”

We used our Wellshire Maple Bourbon Bacon in this recipe, but feel free to try any of our all natural flavors!





Total Time

00 min

Prep Time

00 min prep

Cook Time

00 min cook


  • package Wellshire Maple Bourbon Bacon
  • 2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips or allergen friendly chocolate chips
  • tbsp butter or butter substitute
  • milk optional


  1. Preheat oven to 325°F.
  2. Remove bacon from package and roll each strip into a “rose” shape. Use a toothpick to secure the bacon and place each “rose” on a baking sheet.
  3. Follow cooking instructions on Wellshire package to cook bacon fully in oven. (We used our maple bacon, but you can use any flavor).
  4. While bacon is cooking, melt chocolate chips and butter over a medium flame. Stir together to create a smooth consistency. Feel free to substitute traditional chocolate chips for allergen friendly chocolate chips. If you want, add milk (or milk substitute) to mixture to make it creamier.
  5. Once the bacon is cooked completely and evenly browned, allow “roses” to cool a bit.
  6. Remove toothpicks from bacon. Dip each “rose” in chocolate mixture. Place each dipped “rose” on parchment paper and allow time to dry. You may want to repeat this process to get the desired amount of chocolate on each piece.
  7. Enjoy!

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Bacon & Chocolate “Roses”

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