Corned Beef Hash

Corned Beef Hash

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! We found a leprechaun sneaking around the Wellshire offices but not to worry, we captured him in a green lantern ! We think he was trying to steal our Corned Beef Hash! Can’t blame him though, it is pretty delicious! What are you and your superheroes eating this St. Patrick’s Day?





Total Time

35 min

Prep Time

15 min prep

Cook Time

20 min cook


  • 16oz potatoes peeled
  • 8oz sweet potatoes peeled
  • 1 1/2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp dried oregano
  • 1/2 tsp dried thyme
  • kosher salt to taste
  • black pepper to taste
  • 1 cup left over (pre-cooked) corned beef chopped
  • any other vegetables and/or spices you like


  1. Cut potatoes and sweet potatoes however you like.
  2. Heat skillet at medium heat over the stove. When skillet is heated, add olive oil, swirling the pan to coat the bottom.
  3. Add potatoes, sweet potatoes, and spices to the pan. Cook until pale brown and just tender. Add corned beef to the skillet.
  4. Cook potatoes, sweet potatoes, corned beef, and any other vegetables you choose to include in the skillet. Cook until the potatoes are crispy. Serve hot!

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Corned Beef Hash

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