Bacon Brownie Strawberry Milkshakes

Bacon Brownie Strawberry Milkshakes

Happy Valentine’s Day! Even superheroes need date nights! Especially when they include Wellshire Bacon Bits, ice cream, and brownies! What are you making for the superhero in your life today?





Total Time

45 min

Prep Time

15 min prep

Cook Time

30 min cook


  • 1 cup butter melted
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup packed brown sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 1/2 tbsp vanilla extract
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup cocoa powder
  • cup chocolate chips
  • 1/2 cup Wellshire Bacon Bits
  • 1 pint vanilla ice cream
  • 3/4 cup strawberries sliced
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • hot fudge
  • whipped cream


Make the Brownies

  1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
  2. Mix together butter, oil, and sugars. Then add the eggs and vanilla and beat until combined.
  3. Next add in flour and cocoa powder. Lightly mix together until just combined.
  4. Finally add in the chocolate chips and mix.
  5. Pour batter into 8×12-inch greased baking pan. Sprinkle bacon bits over the top.
  6. Bake for 30 minutes, or until toothpick comes out clean.
  7. Wait for brownies to cool and then crumble the brownies.

Assemble the Milkshakes

  1. Add ice cream, strawberries, and milk into a blender and blend until smooth.
  2. Pour mixed ice cream into glasses. Add in crumbled brownie pieces.
  3. Drizzle hot fudge over the ice cream. Top with whipped cream and bacon bits. Serve immediately!

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Bacon Brownie Strawberry Milkshakes

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