Bacon S’mores

Bacon S’mores

Bonfire season is here and you know what that means, s’mores of course! National S’mores Day is August 10th, so it’s perfect timing to get the marshmallows out and indulge in this ooey gooey deliciousness! Bacon S’mores are the way to go if you’re looking for something fun to try this season!

We decided to try something new for our s’more assembly, adding in one of our beloved ingredients: BACON! This twist on the traditional s’more is our new favorite way to eat them. Bacon S’mores is the best blend of everything we love! Time for you and your family to join us and try this recipe! S’mores will never be the same!





Total Time

30 min

Prep Time

15 min prep

Cook Time

15 min cook



  1. Take a full package of your favorite Wellshire bacon (we used maple smoked bacon) and cut the package in half vertically, using a knife or sharp pizza wheel. You’ll be left with half-length slices of bacon.
  2. On a rack placed inside a foil-lined baking sheet, weave four of the half bacon slices together tightly to form a square.
  3. If you decide to candy the bacon, place a thick layer of brown sugar on the square of woven bacon.
  4. Bake in 400F oven for 15 minutes.
  5. After bacon is cooked, let it rest for 15 minutes. Remove to a plate.
  6. Roast marshmallows how you like them.
  7. Layer chocolate, marshmallow, and bacon together to form a sandwich. If you want to include graham crackers for your s’more feel free to layer those in as well!
  8. Dig in!

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Bacon S’mores

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